Hey everyone!
So I guess I haven't posted in quite a while. As in about twice in over 3 years. I always did intend to get back into blogging, just never had time, correction, I never made time for it. Never really made it a priority I guess. I've got a couple other big things cleared up lately so now hopefully I'll make time for it more regularly.
I also always intended to write more about politics and the world in general and that sort of thing, but never did. So hopefully now maybe I'll post more about that kind of stuff. I know some people think politics is boring, but as Christians we are called to be aware of what is going on in the world around us. Our culture is moving further and further from God and we as Christians must be aware of this, fight against it in our own ways, and be prepared for what may come next. I'm planning to also do some so to speak devotional type stuff. Like thoughts on certain Scripture passages and stuff like that. Ok maybe devotional wasn't the right word for it but you get the idea. For other posts I may revert back to some of my other interests; airplanes, guns, that kinda thing.
For those of you who don't see me as often I'll try to keep it a bit about what's going on in my life as well. As for what's happening now, the answer is not a whole lot. Living on the farm, working at a weld shop, hanging out with friends, that sort of thing. One new-ish thing that I've been doing this school year is teaching catechism. I really enjoy it and I'm learning a lot. So some posts might be related to stuff from that as well.
So that's kind of a re-intro to my blog, what I'm hoping to do with it and so forth.
For a first new post I thought I'd do a bit of a snapshot of where the world is right now, where its heading, and what our response should be.
Canada -
First things first, where is our country at? Good and bad. Good; by most counts we have a good federal government right now, and for some time to come. Prime Minister Harper is a good leader in several different ways, for example his economic competence and incremental approach to certain issues. He is quite conservative especially compared to other Western leaders and I think we should thank God for him. Bad; overall Canada is still a fairly liberal country, it has some pretty far left elements in it, and it seems to be going further in that direction. Just because we have a good leader now doesn't mean we can assume that Canada will remain as free and conservative as it is.
America -
This is obviously a huge topic in and of itself. There is much good left in America. But it seems that evil is gradually winning. The USA that we once knew and loved is gone, and will not return for a long time. What do I mean that evil is winning? The United States was built, and prospered, on Christian values. Now the education system, entertainment world, news media, and political sphere all have very anti-Christian agendas, and collectively have enormous influence on the American public. Former President Ronald Reagan said "If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." This is exactly what happened.
What about the American leader? Barack Hussein Obama is evil, destructive, deceptive, and very anti-Christian. But he is not only problem, he is also symptom. The millions of votes he received, and his near deification by the media and the left, are an indicator of where the United States is at.
Europe -
The once powerful continent is today characterized by influences like socialism, Islamification, and general cultural decay. There are glimmers of light, for example Geert Wilders, Václav Klaus, and the outlawing of bhurkas in France and minarets in Switzerland. But these glimmers are getting farther and fewer between.
Asia -
Russia remains a strong influence in some areas of the world. China and India are gaining global influence, each in their own way. Nations like Japan, South Korea and Singapore have been strongholds of Western freedom and economics, but will not be able to stand against negative Asian influences on their own.
That is a brief summary, but the point should be clear. The world is a bad place, and in many ways, getting worse.
So how must we as Christians respond to this troublesome global situation?
We must be aware. Christians must not be blind to the advance of evil in the world.
We must fight. The Church must resist the tide of wickedness by bringing God's word to the nations.
We must prepare. We cannot assume that tomorrow will be the same as today. The church must be ready for whatever comes, persecution or freedom.
Most of all we must trust in God, knowing that He is always in control and directs all things for His glory and for the good of His people.
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Psalm 2:4
For it is written:
“As I live, says the Lord,
Every knee shall bow to Me,
And every tongue shall confess to God.”
Romans 14:11
"be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Saturday, April 6, 2013
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