Saturday, April 4, 2009


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was planning to post before I went to Ottawa but I never got around to it. This post should make up for it though. The trip to Ottawa was awesome! On Monday we drove there and had supper with the Ottawa Valley homeschooling group. On Tuesday we went to the Royal Canadian Mint, the War Museum and in the afternoon we toured the Parliament buildings with Joe Preston's staff. He is our MP. On Wednesday we went to the National House of Prayer,the Supreme Court and the Nature Museum. On Thursday we went to the RCMP Musical Ride stables and the Museum of Civilization. On Friday we went to the museum of Science and technology and then we drove home. Ok now for the pictures.

The Canadain Shield, mainly trees interspersed with rocks and swamps.

I was very impressed by the architecture, especially of the Parliament buildings and the supreme court but also by the other buildings down town.

The Royal Canadian Mint, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside.

The top of the entrance to the Mint.

The War Museum

There was some interesting models there.

The Parliament buildings, I took first one and Karen took the second one. The first one is more blurry because of the weather and because I took it out of the van.

The Supreme Court. This building is huge! Its true size is hard to capture on camera but hopefully the people give it some scale. That is me on the top of the front steps. Karen took the picture.

I have to go now but I'll post more pictures later.


Rachael B. said...

Looks like you guys had fun! The Parliament Building tour must have been cool...I'd like to see it someday!

John said...

Yah the Parliament Buildings were really cool. The architecture was amazing!

Anonymous said...

cool pics john. it does look like you had fun. I talked to you today and you told me to post so i am. Got about a foot of snow today and we had no power when i got up today. mom boiled water for her coffee on the wood stove. power came back in at about noon so ya it was cool it was the first power outage so far this winter. we had several outages last year and the year before.

Nicole Boekee said...

Hey John! thats so cool! we went to the war museum and the parliament buildings and i think the science museum but not anything else. The mint would have been awsome to tour!!!!!! ur lucky!!

John said...

Yea Nicole, the Mint was cool! I got to hold a bar of gold that was worth $450,000! Hey Benj, a foot of snow! Your lucky! That would suck to have the power go out when its that cold.

Anonymous said...

thought for sure you'd put Hitler's car in there, but oh well :)
Rachel K.